Rocky Mountain Soda Golden Ginger Beer | A Review

The second of the local ginger beers acquired while in Colorado, Rocky Mountain Soda Golden Ginger Beer, comes from a small brewer out of Denver who takes pride in their commitment to quality.  They create only in small batches and take their contents seriously, eschewing GMOs and keeping the ingredient list as short as possible.  The hoards of science on GMOs has determined they’re safe and technically all produce counts as a GMO but that’s a discussion for another time probably.

We commonly encountered snow at higher altitudes.

The ingredient list does remain short with triple filtered carbonated water, evaporated cane sugar, natural flavors and citric acid.  The “natural flavors” element always feels a bit too nebulous, especially in a ginger beer.  The source of ginger flavor is pretty important when selecting one to your tastes but some things have to remain secret.  Something that’s not secret is the calorie count.  It’s 135 for the 12 ounces.

The brown, long-neck bottle features a lovely bright yellow label which looks fun and retro.  There’s an etching of deer, framed in a way that’s almost reminiscent of art nouveau but looks 19th century.  Distressed banners on either side of the logo proclaim “all natural” and “small batch.”  Rocky Mountain Soda says their central goal is quality through fine ingredients and these proclamations are a testament to that ambition.

Honestly, more of a golden color was expected.

The scent emanating from this near-clear, sediment-free, slightly cloudy liquid is of a sweet ginger with a hint of spiciness. Tasting, a taut balloon of sweetness gives the first impression, coming on quickly.  Then the ginger swiftly swings into play, curiously offering more heat than the amount of ginger flavor would imply.  The dense but restrained prickles feel like a carpet of heat, clinging to the soft palate and touching the tongue and back of the lips.  Acute sweetness takes over for the finish, with a character not unlike a cherry soda, lingering but fading until just the heat remains.

Sweetness makes up the overriding trait of Golden Ginger Beer, but isn’t overpowering enough to ruin the experience.  Sugary ginger beers often overwhelm the drinker, drowning the sought-after characteristics.  This one avoids that pitfall so fans of the sweeter selection of ginger beers should prioritize Rocky Mountain.  It does sweet right.

Final Decision: Second Tier – Alluring

Purchased at Rocket Fizz in Highlands Ranch, CO | Available online at: Rocky Mountain Soda in 12-packs, Antiqology has singles, Beverages Direct also has 12-packs.

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